Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Corbett Safety Action Meetings => Topic started by: on September 10, 2019, 12:11:22 PM

Title: Notes from September's Meeting
Post by: on September 10, 2019, 12:11:22 PM
Safety Meeting Notes Sept 4, 2019
Posted by NEMCCA
(Northeast Multnomah County Community Association) on their Facebook page here:

Opened the new three mile section of bike trail on August 3 with around 300 people in attendance.…/projec…/pages/project-details.aspx…

The length restriction on the Old Scenic Highway from Larch Mountain Road to Ainsworth is now with the State traffic engineer, they are looking at total length to fall between 35-40 feet. This is shorter than the standard tour bus and the companies who come to the area have been notified.

If you need to travel the road as a farmer, or someone who is doing work on a residence and need to bring a truck and trailer, you can get a permit for the highway. ODOT will look at getting a year long permit for those who live in the area and need to be hauling on a regular basis. Buses will not be eligible to get the permit.

ODOT is looking to lower the posted speed from 55 to around 40 from downtown Corbett going East. This is based on studies done that show this is the sweet spot for travel.
Discussion: Those who live here and know the road is, versus those who visit and are not familiar with the road being considered in the survey. Some comments regarding speed limits back in the 1950's and whether people know its 55. If you want to voice your opinion on the speed limits you can:
contact Terra Lingley,
or attend the Scenic Advisory meeting Sept 26, 2019 in Hood River at the library…/Regions/Pages/HCRH-Advisory-Commit…

The wayfinding signs with Corbett on them are being removed. Signage can only be for cities and Corbett is not a city. It is unknown at this time what will replace the existing signs or how people will be directed to Corbett.

The weekend of Sept 7, 2019 was the last weekend for crossing guards at Multnomah Falls. There will be a debriefing at the end of the season regarding the impacts of the guards on congestion and what was working well and what could be improved.

The Congestion Forum will be starting the end of September and will be picking up from where the last congestion group ended.

ODOT has submitted their third permit application this summer to the County for approval. This one is for the Oneonta tunnel recovery and the plans are based on the 2006 plans with some modifications to address the damage done by the fire. The construction is expected to start in 2020 and take eight months. During that time there will be some lane closures/restrictions, these will be announced in advance.

There was a rock slide above Tooth Rock Tunnel that has done significant damage to the structure and applying pressure to the side of the bridge.
The week of Sept 16, 2019 ODOT will be using one lane through the tunnel to do core drilling on the deck and the walls.
The week of September 30, 2019 they will be working on the slide and taking a lane through the tunnel to catch debris before it crosses into traffic lanes.

Oregon State Parks: Star Gazing Party on September 21, 2019 at Rooster Rock.

Rooster Rock had to be shut down on August 4, 2019 due to the combination of a large church event, a 95 degree day which caused Dabney and Lewis & Clark to be at capacity, and the heavy use of the Columbia Gorge Express. How this happened and how can it be avoided in the future are being reviewed.

Benson, Rooster Rock and Dabney (fee parks) were up 50,000 visitors by July. Parks is in talks with those agencies who promote the Oregon side of the Gorge to see if some of the visitors can be shifted to the Washington side.

Multnomah County Land Use: There has been an uptick in T3 cases this summer
and the department has been busy getting permits done in a timely manner. They are short staffed right now with the Planning Director position being vacant and Assistant Planning Director picking up that work in addition to his own. Due to the adjustments the long range planning issues have been put on hold during the summer but should be back on schedule this Fall.
Discussion: View Point Inn looks like it will be getting most of what they were asking, except for the accessory structure.
Bell Road has no school zone sign, this has been an on-going item. Roads will be contacted again on seeing what can be done.
Will the County be clearing the sides of the roads to remove the vegetation dams that have been building up? The roads look like they'll be trapping water instead of draining off which creates more potholes.

Corbett Water Well Drilling Discussion: The 50/50 cost share that has been mentioned in prior meetings does not look to be correct now. The contribution from others is looking closer to 20% at this time. With the requirements from the State for water rights, the County for land use and permits and the other steps that will need to be taken this project looks like it will be closer to 3-4 years off and the cost will be more along the lines of 2.2 to 2.5 million. This will need to be paid by grants, loans and fees to users.
There will be a public meeting soon regarding this project, look to hear something from the Water District. There will also need to be a public meeting to transfer money that was collected for the water pond over to use on the well.

Citizen's Patrol: The patrol has concluded their summer events and are now in full force at the schools. They will be assisting with the Star Gazing Party at Rooster Rock on the 21st, with the Dogs and Deputies and also the Pioneer Picnic at the Fire hall on the 8th from 10-1. There will be a field trip to see the museum.

Historical Society: The building is going up. Hope to have it enclosed by November. There is a GoFundMe account on their website. Bricks can be purchased for $100. Ways to donate can be found here:

MCSO: There have been questions on the homeless and what is being done in our area. Members of the HOPE team will be at the October Safety meeting to give an overview of their work and answer questions. The CRO and NEMCCA are working on putting together some answers to questions that have come to the Board.