Title: NEMCCA Safety Meeting Notes May 1, 2019 Post by: Victoria on May 14, 2019, 09:48:07 AM NEMCCA Safety Meeting Notes May 1, 2019 MCSO: Community Resource Officer position is remaining. Thank you for all the positive support. Oregon State Parks: All the campgrounds are now open. There will be two assistants starting this week, by June 10th all 38 positions will be filled. During off-season the employee numbers are reduced to 10. Vista House will be changing open hours on May 17, 2019 to 9-6. Vista House sees approximately 3 million visitors a year now, with an estimated 200,000 of those using the restrooms. The drainfield is unable to handle the usage, the Women's Forum upgrades are being looked as a way to keep the Vista House open. Please let people know that Oregon State Parks does not receive any of your: property tax dollars, general fund dollars, or tax payer dollars. There is some discussion regarding moving the shuttle bus from Rooster Rock to the gravel lot at Lewis & Clark State Park. This is only at the "conversation" level right now, but would help reduce the impact being felt at Rooster Rock. Benson Park may also assist with overflow parking, depending on ADA compatibility and access issues. Right now there are 197 parking stalls at the Multnomah Falls inner lot and another 197 at Benson. MCSO officer starts working with Parks on June 1, 2019. Parks has been looking at contributing more towards the cost of the Deputy and has increased their payment to the Sheriff's office by $16,000, going from paying $22,000 to $38,000. They are looking at ways to increase that even more in their 2020 budget. Forest Service: Sandy River Delta parking situation has gotten better since they've been hitting it heavier with enforcement. There has been a lot of positive feedback from the horse people on parking, people are observing the larger signs and the trailers are able to park, not have smaller cars in the reserved stalls. There is an on-going problem with dogs bolting from the parking lot, of those he has witnessed one has been found, three are still reported as missing. One dog bolted passed the owners and other visitors trying to catch it and ran out onto the highway. This is a public safety issue as the dog was running down the road with vehicles attempting to avoid hitting it. The dog dashed off the side of the road before it could be caught. Multnomah Falls continues to be challenging with the closures. Larch trail is officially closed from Benson Bridge to Wahkeena Leap. There are other closures throughout the area (updated information can be found here: https://gorgefriends.org/hike-the-gorge/trail-alerts.html ) Mushroom and forest product harvesters are going in to the closed areas, a steady stream of citations are being issued. ODOT: Columbia Gorge Express shuttle service resumes this weekend (May 3). At the final Project Leadership Team meeting they approved the draft plan with a couple of small changes. (https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Projects/Project%20Documents/Project-Leadership-Team-Meeting5-HHCP.pdf ) ODOT is currently looking at what projects to do in the Statewide 2021/2024 cycle. Improvements between Multnomah Falls to Cascade Locks are on the table with possible add-ons. An example would be Benson State Park and the work needed to be done to make it ADA compliant. This would be a leveraged project, the estimated costs are $900,000. The final plan is expected to be uploaded next month. There may be a short term modification on the length and width of vehicles due to the damaged via ducts. Discussion regarding adding staff at Multnomah Falls to help with traffic flow are on-going. Aerial flights of the Eagle Creek burned area looking for ponding or landslides does not show any new concerns from the last flight a few weeks ago. They did see one calving of a cliff near Punchbowl Falls/Eagle Creek area, but that is in an area that remains closed. MultCo Roads: - Responded to questions - NEMCCA would like to know who to contact regarding getting Corbett Hill fixed. The meeting with the District Commissioner on April 17 included Ian Cannon (Multnomah County Engineer and Transportation Division Director) and there appears to be a disconnect between what the maintenance crew knows that needs done, and what the upper management is aware needs done. A meeting with Ian Cannon, James Turner, Kim Peoples and Jessica Berry could be organized by NEMCCA to get everyone in one location to get this resolved as the community has been promised for the last two years that the work would be done and it has not gone forward. The road is now dangerous with traffic moving into on-coming lanes to avoid some of the worse conditions. Roads assured that communication has been flowing both directions on road conditions. Following the April meeting crews will be on both Corbett Hill and Louden Road. We have been told there is no money to do work in our area, what happened? Cost overruns on other projects have impacted the budget. When can we expect Larch Mountain to be opened to the top? Larch Mountain Road is expected to be opened in June, after the snow melts. Any opening will be done in partnership with the Forest Service depending on trail closures. District #4 Commissioner's Office: There are three public meetings being held on the budget, the closest one to Corbett will be May 14th from 6-8 at the MultCo East building. (600 NE 8th St, Gresham, OR 97030) The Community Resource Officer has been included in the budget but the Code Enforcement Officer still needs support. East County issues forum will be May 2 from 3-5. This is a regularly held meeting on the first Thursday of the month. ( https://multco.us/east-county-issue-forum ) The Commissioner's office is looking in to local improvement districts , this would not be a quick resolution but more in the long term. Answers to the questions asked at the Commissioner's meeting in April are being researched and will be sent out as soon as they are completed. Job Corp: There has been a young cougar seen around the back of the complex. If anyone sees it would they please let the Job Corp know as they would like to keep track of its movements. https://www.dfw.state.or.us/wildlife/living_with/cougars.asp Mt Hood Community College: The Board is working on the budget. Currently the State is focused on k-12, Community colleges have been told to stand down on funding. While the State is considering a business tax for funding education, the colleges are looking at possibly raising tuition or cutting services, probably a combination. The recent fund raiser brought in over $300,000 towards student scholarships. The new President is doing a great job and the attitude on campus is very upbeat and positive. Columbia Grange: Plant sale May 11 from 9-1. Livestock workshop May 21 from 6:30 to 8pm Sharing our Lives with Animals May 29, 2019 from 6:30 to 8pm http://www.columbiagrange267.org/new-events NEMCCA: Dessert with a Deputy was well attended and a great balance between MCSO and public for getting to sit down and interact with each other. NEMCCA will be hosting a community meeting with Oregon State Parks to get out information and have questions answered on the proposed updates to the Women's Forum (5/16/19 @ 6:30) No Planning Commission meeting in May. |