Title: NEMCCA Safety meeting notes 3-7-2018 Post by: Victoria on April 14, 2018, 02:58:48 PM NEMCCA Safety Meeting 3-7-2018
Forest Service: Work is continuing at Multnomah Falls, the lower plaza should be opening sometime in March, with the bridge opening in late spring to early summer. Ways to open up parking at the Sandy River Delta are being considered, allowing parking in trailer areas is being looked at, along with charging a $5 fee for parking. Multnomah County Sheriff's Office: Homeless Outreach and Program Engagement is being offered to all of those who were affected by the three day sweep of the ODOT property along I-84. (https://multco.us/file/63980/download) Emphasis is being given on low impact camping for those who will continue to camp. (Discussion amongst attendees that the homeless are moving from one location to the next and they need to be somewhere. More visible now with the winter leaf loss from the trees and being closer to I-84 than down in 1,000 acres.) ODOT: Not ready to share how they plan to open the Historic Columbia River Highway yet, but are looking at the congestion issue. Studies are showing it is not too many cars, but rather not enough parking spaces. Some vehicles can be limited on highway if they meet some hard criteria, like axles, length and width and these options are being considered. The engineers are working on the rock fall fence and ODOT can not open the highway until all safety issues have been addressed. Right now it is looking like late spring, early summer before the road is opened for use. District 4 Commissioner's Office: The Board of Commissioners are currently in the budget process with the Chair releasing the budget on April 26, 2018. Comments can be made regarding the budget after that time, with the budget being finalize the end of May or beginning of June. Multnomah County Transportation: Capital Improvement Projects are being considered and input from the community is being requested. ( https://multco.us/transportation-planning/webform/road-capital-improvement-plan-and-program ) There will be a public meeting in Corbett on April 12 at the Fire Hall, the time will be announced closer to the date. ODOT: Historic Columbia River Highway Advisory meeting at the Grange on March 15 from 10-2pm for those who would like to attend. Corbett Water District: This will be the last month you will see the cost for the bio filter on your monthly bill. This was a one-time rehabilitation cost that is now paid. The budget process will start this month for those who would like to attend: March 20, 2018 at 6pm. NEMCCA: Victoria Purvine was introduced as the new President, Vice-President Dave Mysinger will continue to run the Safety Meetings. If you are on facebook please go to the NEMCCA facebook page to keep up with some of the meetings that may affect your neighborhood, including ODOT workshops and Planning Commission meetings. A public hearing regarding the Metro Nature project is available on line: https://multco.us/landuse/north-tualatin-master-plan Multnomah County Land Use: There will be two public hearings at the Planning Commission meeting on April 2, 2018. One will be in regard to addressing the noise portion of the marijuana ordinance, another regarding affordable housing. Multnomah County District Attorney Office: Legal services day has been very successful, the latest one on February 9 was the largest yet. Would like to see this continue. Oregon State Parks: Ainsworth Campground opens on the weekend of March 9, there is no access to trails from the park. The Vista House also opens this weekend from 9-4 daily. Resident: Concerned regarding the addition of a shrimp farm to the local area. Understands the shrimp will be infused with marijuana and does not want it in the area. (Response from NEMCCA who hosted a meeting with the manager of the marijuana grow and the neighbors: The shrimp farm is separate from the grow, will be using wells on the property to provide for the shrimp (not CWD water) and no mention of infusing shrimp with anything was mentioned by the farm manager. ---- contact to the manager of the grow stated that hydroponics are not currently part of the plan, although it may be considered in the future with cabbage and lettuce. OLCC requires the two operations to be kept separate and they will be fenced away from each other. ) Mt Hood Community College Board Member: The finalist have been announced for the new President of the college and all will be on campus next week. There will be forums for the community to come and learn more about those being considered for the position. https://www.mhcc.edu/PresidentialSearch/ If you have any questions please let me know - Victoria |