Title: June 7, 2017 Safety meeting notes Post by: Victoria on June 08, 2017, 03:28:05 PM June 7,2017 Safety Meeting notes
Dan Bacon: ODOT - Crews are back to working on maintenance items and ODOT is looking in to doing another temporary fix on the Historic Highway just past Larch Mountain Road on the way to Vista House. Barb Adams: Friends of the Sandy River Delta, Thousand Acres. Puppies and Ponies will be June 17 from 10 am to 2 pm. Call her if you have any questions about the event. 503 695-3399. There has been a lot of flooding at the Delta this year with the extra rain and that has delayed the trail work. The volunteers were in last week and repainted the long slots on the parking lot for the trailers so they are easily visible. The Sheriff's Office has been doing clean ups along the Rail Road tracks and working with getting the homeless out of the park and providing them with agency contacts. Diane McKeel: Recently elected to the Mt Hood Community College Directors Board: Planetarium is having a show on the upcoming eclipse on June 9 at 1pm and 6pm. Cost is $5 for adults, $2 for students and those 17 years and under. There will be the Strawberry Short Festival on June 24 with numerous "short courses" available, sign up by June 23rd, these are free and will probably fill up fast! https://www.mhcc.edu/Strawberry-Short-Course-Offerings/ Board meeting will be June 14th, with the new board members coming on in July. Kathryn Green: NEMCCA: Corbett Night Out will be August 4 from 5:30 to 8:00 at the Grade School. Attendees will be Corbett FD #14, MCSO, County Planning/Engineering and Transportation, games and demonstrations are scheduled. If you would like to participate contact Kathryn at 503 504-6418, or Victoria at 503 695-2182. Victoria Purvine: NEMCCA: First meeting on Planning Commission was Monday, good group of people, looking forward to being on the Commission. Question on the new chevron signs on Larch, along with suggested speeds. Why is ODOT on County road? (County and ODOT were not included in the loop on this, appears it may have been pass through dollars from Feds.) What about fixing the pot holes first two miles up Larch? Road has gotten extremely bad. Malcolm Fruend: Citizen's Patrol: Eighteen C.P. volunteers participated with the Fire Department on a recent drill. Will let the Chief explain it further. Kip Courser: Multnomah County Transportation: Crews are working on spraying and brushing, also preparing for Chip seal and pot hole repairs. Jake Warren: ODOT: Working with the Gorge Express, just hired two people to help at Multnomah Falls and Rooster Rock State Park. This year has begun with opening on Memorial Day Weekend, looking forward to being out here this summer. http://columbiagorgeexpress.com/ Kate McQuillan: Multnomah County Land Use and Transportation: Currently working with on two plans: Congestion Plan and Capital Improvement Plan (listing priorities). Also reminder about road closure on Stark starting at the end of the month, this is done to widen the fish passage and as a first stage to widening the road to four lanes, possibly in the next five years. Improvements on 238th are being planned with the goal to improve safety. https://multco.us/238th Fire District #14 Chief Flood: FD #14: Crews responded to just under 40 calls this past month, two fatalities, one off Coopey Falls and one locally with a large truck falling off of jacks. http://firedistrict14.corbettoregon.com/calls-log/ There has been a lot more shared coverage with Cascade Locks and Gresham which is working well. The Department is close to getting the new engine in Springdale, right now expecting it mid-August. The one down there is over 30 years old and the Department has gotten its money out of it. The Chief and some members of the department will be looking in to Volume foam for highway incidents. There was a drafting drill out of Multnomah Creek with Citizen's Patrol helping with the event. This drill was made possible in part by the shared coverage with Gresham. The Breakfast was a success, thank you to everyone who came out and helped, including the 4H club and their parents. There will be a recruitment drive from July 1 to August 1 if anyone is interested, or knows someone who might be interested in trying out. Deputy Joe Graziano: MCSO: Keep an eye on houses that are for sale, especially vacant ones. There have been squatters moving in some in Gresham. At Angels Rest a man who was driving a decommissioned police car was assaulted by another man who told arresting officers he wanted to kill a police officer. Cautions were issued to C.P. since they drive cars that look similar to law enforcement. There has been a recent switch from Heroin to Cocaine in Corbett, keep an eye out. These are provided to let the community know what is happening that may affect our area. Please let me know if you have any questions or see any errors. Thank you, Victoria |