Title: February 2016 Safety Meeting Post by: Victoria on February 06, 2016, 08:50:20 AM February 3, 2016 Safety Meeting
Commissioner Diane McKeel: All departments are busy with their budgets, (working with advisory boards) they have been asked to have a 2% constraint this year. Once the department budgets are done they will go up to the Chair's office and then the whole budget will come back to the Board of Commissioners. If you are interested in volunteering for the County, there is always room for volunteers. https://multco.us/ads/volunteer-opportunities Fire District #14 Chief Dave Flood: There were 50 calls in the month of January, 19 of them being on the 3rd with the bad weather. No serious injuries. On January 19 a tree fell down across the Old Scenic Highway between the Stark Street Bridge and Dabney Park. The tree fell on a vehicle with one person in it. Thirteen volunteers responded to the incident and lifted the tree off the car with airbags. The driver was cut from the car and out in 26 minutes, suffering only a wrist fracture. This was a great team effort from all the Firefighters and you could not have asked for a more wonderful patient. There was a request to see the airbags demonstrated at an open house. This has already been brought up by some of the fire fighters, can only remember one other time they have been used in 15 years and the team is interested in demonstrating them. Multnomah County Emergency Management Chris Voss: It looks like Multnomah County will be getting some FEMA public assistance. This may only go to business and non-profit organizations, it isn't clear yet if private residence will receive any aid. When the information comes out, please read the details closely to see if you qualify. Oregon State Parks Dorothy Brown-Kwaiser: Latourell and Rooster Rock trails are open again after weather damage. A contractor has been hired to fix the two broken walls at the Vista House, materials will be delivered and there is a crew ready to go once the weather breaks. The option to have the House open on Thursday didn't work out, not enough volunteers, so Vista House is open Friday-Sunday until summer hours start on March 14. Campgrounds will open on March 11 to work with Spring break times. Kevin Price is now Regional Manager and they have a new District Manager. State Parks is working to get a grant to provide Kiosks at trail heads for Maps showing trails, elevations and information about the trails. ODOT Kristen Stallman: Historic Columbia River Highway Centennial Celebration Fact Sheet http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/HCRH/Pages/Centennial.aspx The Centennial Celebration will be held on June 7, 2016 with a very small rededication, honoring the initial dedication held June 7, 1916. The event will be celebrated all year long and if your group or community want to hold an event and have it added to the ODOT lists of events, please contact ODOT by February 19th. (Application can be found at the above link). ODOT Columbia River Gorge Transit Study http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION1/i84construction/GorgeTransitStudy-factsheet-121615.pdf There was a great response to the Survey, over 2,000 people participated, thank you very much to everyone who took the time. The survey showed that there is a need for transit and ODOT is working with private providers to see if they can start a Pilot Project this summer. ODOT I-84 Construction http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION1/Pages/I84Construction.aspx#2016 Cable barriers will be going up on the Highway in front of the Sandy River Delta. At Tunnel Pt (mp 23) where there are some bad curves the crews will be putting in guard rails/ barriers when the paving work is being done. Advise those traveling, (vehicle or bike) to go to TripCheck.com before heading out. Collaborative Solutions http://orsolutions.org/OSProject/ColumbiaHighwayCollaborative The main group divided into three sub-committees to see what can be done to put practices in place before the summer. 1. Physical improvements and law enforcement additions - barriers, personnel 2. Marketing and communication - what is the message, how will it be delivered. 3. Transit: Greyline is looking at jump-on, jump-off shuttle services to help with congestion. They have purchased smaller buses for the Gorge area. Routes T.B.D. Reminder from State Parks that there will also be an Antique Auto tour through the Gorge Area on July 23, 2016 that could affect traffic flow. Victoria Purvine: Representative Johnson and Commissioner McKeel will be holding a "Listening to Corbett" meeting on March 29 at 6:30pm at the Corbett Grange. This is to let the residents know what the short term plans are for traffic and safety in the Gorge, and to gather input from residents on long term solutions. Corbett will be the community most affected by the solutions being proposed and the Oregon Solutions Project would like to hear from them. ODOT and other agencies who are involved will be there. Multnomah County Charter Review Board did not hold it regular scheduled meeting in January as we have split to sub-committees and met in our smaller groups. Next regular meeting is February 17th at 5:30 in the Multnomah County Building. Multnomah County Land Use and Code Compliance Chris Liu: Marijuana grows in unincorporated Multnomah County continue to be addressed. Large turn out at the meeting on the first, continuance over to February 8, 2016. This will be at 6:30pm in the Multnomah County Building, Room 100. (501 SE Hawthorne Blvd.) Corbett Historical Society Kathy Fruend: February 9 at the Corbett Fire hall at 6pm there will be a presentation by Chuck Rollins on Latourell. If you miss that presentation there will be another on March 29 at Edgefield. The Society is selling bricks at $100 each, you can have them inscribed and put on the pathway of your choice. (Commissioner McKeel mentioned that the Levy for the Historical Society would be coming up on their February 25 meeting to be sent to the ballot for continuing funding. Because of the current levy residents of Multnomah County can be admitted to the Historical Society for free.) Springdale Job Corp Anna Snyder: The students have been job shadowing this week, going out in different fields to see where their training can take them. There will be a Blood Drive on February 19 from 10-3 at the Center. If you are interested in giving blood you can sign up by contacting Ana (503-695-2245 x244) or go to the Red Cross site. http://www.redcrossblood.org/ The Job Corp is able to provide a scholarship based on the number of pints donated, so please consider donating. Winter Graduation was just held, every student who has completed their training and is now employed is eligible. One of their graduates will be featured in the Gresham Outlook this coming week. Corbett Water District Board Member Jack Garrison: The Board is starting their budget process also, with five board members and five community members, each having equal say in the process. Meeting will begin in March. The District has just finalized their plans for the filter pond replacement project. This will be a two year project, hoping to have it on line by Summer 2017. The water well study should be complete this week and they will be looking at the study during the next board meeting. The State requires back flow preventers on all water systems that are 30 feet or more above the water main, or if you have livestock on the property. The District has mailed out 100 notices to properties so far, and will be sending out another 40. If anyone has any questions about the notices please contact the water district. Multnomah County Sheriff Deputy Graziano: FYI, they are shooting portions of Grimm at Glenn Otto right now. Corbett Citizen's Patrol has radio contact in case of emergency and networks in with MultCo Emergency Management if a disaster occurs. Citizen Patrol has also trained with Corbett Fire. Multnomah County currently has some deputies down in Burns assisting, covering duties the regular patrols are not available to do right now. Dave Mysinger: Multnomah Falls Lodge is working to see how they can help internally with the congestion problems in their lot, how to best keep the traffic flowing and pedestrians safe. Triple Falls trail is closed indefinitely at this time due to weather damage. |