On January 22nd, The Corbett School District Board of Directors voted unanimously to renew the Corbett Charter School 7-0. ( For lead up to this vote and more information read here:
Below are emails from Bob Dunton sent since the special board meeting
February 11, 2014 where a vote of 5-2 NOT to renew the Charter's lease agreement took place. To see more about this topic you can read here:
http://corbettoregon.com/forum/index.php?topic=803.0 )
More information and even audio from the most recent meeting can be found here: http://corbettpost.com/ *This board meeting did not comply with original ORS rules but apparently according to new rules - "online media" counts for notification. In other words - the notices that would usually be on reader boards or at the post office were not there as usual 24 hours prior to a board meeting. However, because it was mentioned on Facebook or the CSD blog - that counted.
On February 15, 2014, Bob Dunton sent an email confirming the allegations of Superintendent Trani's Affair with a staff member. You can read that email here: http://corbettoregon.com/forum/index.php?topic=810.0
OREGONIAN ARTICLE FROM 2/13/14: http://www.oregonlive.com/gresham/index.ssf/2014/02/corbetts_charter_school_must_f.htmlGRESHAM OUTLOOK ARTICLE FROM 2/14/2013: http://www.pamplinmedia.com/go/42-news/210954-68501-corbett-school-board-denies-charter-leaseEDITOR OPINION PIECE FROM 2/21/14: http://pamplinmedia.com/go/43-opinion/211845-69880-corbett-board-must-revisit-lease-agreement-for-charter-schoolGRESHAM OUTLOOK ARTICLE FROM 2/21/14: http://www.pamplinmedia.com/go/42-news/211774-69814-lease-denial-frustrates-families-teachers
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: February 11, 2014 at 10:34:34 PM PSTTo: Bob Dunton <
Subject: Evicted
The District teachers and administrators (except DeeDee Hanes) lined up and pretty much torpedoed the charter school tonight. People who smile and say hello every time I see them... I am beyond saddened.
We aren't done. Two Board members stood their ground and said that the decision was bad for kids. The others voted for the good of the teachers' union instead.
We're tired and headed home.
We're not done. It's a marathon. We'll get back to you soon.
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
From: Bob Dunton <bdunton@corbettcharter.k12.or.us>
Date: February 11, 2014 at 11:24:44 PM PSTTo: Bob Dunton <
Subject: We're OK
Hi, All,
Done moping! Now the rest of the story. Read carefully.
I'm happy for the catharsis that was clearly experienced by a number of District people at the meeting tonight. They needed that.
But here is the scoop. When the District turned down our offer of $70,000 per classroom next year (we currently pay a smidgen over $30,000), they also turned down our offer to create a lease agreement that was separate from the charter agreement. Our rental agreement has always been part of the charter agreement (I was there at its inception), and the first time the charter was renewed the rental amount was part of the motion to renew the charter. The board member who made that motion voted against CCS tonight. This is public record.
So by refusing our offer to create a separate rental agreement and part ways amicably next year, the District left our charter agreement (which includes rental payments of $30,000 per year plus an adjustment based on State Funding) intact, which gives us the right to rent here for at least five more years and without any rent increase beyond inflation.
Their legal counsel says that their stance is 'defensible' because other charter schools have lease agreements that are separate from their charter agreements. 'Defensible' is a pretty weak claim, and other charter schools don't cross enroll and operate as a single high school. Oh, and other charter schools have lease agreements that are signed and approved by the boards of both parties. No such lease documents exist in Corbett.
I'm copying this email to our lawyer. We have been gearing up to go to work on this.
This is just another step. I think they have very little notion what they handed us when they renewed the charter agreement.
We're going to have a good day of school tomorrow.
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: February 12, 2014 at 11:36:40 AM PSTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fwd: Last Night's Board Decision
Fun with words! If only repeating a thing made it true!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Last Night's Board Decision
To: Randy Trani <
Cc: All List <
all-list@corbett.k12.or.usThere was no lease to not-renew (whatever that means). The board failed to create a lease, which means that the lease agreement is still part of the charter agreement. The charter agreement is to be renegotiated within 90 days of renewal. Corbett Charter School stands ready to enter into those negotiations.
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Randy Trani <
rtrani@corbett.k12.or.us> wrote:
I know many of you may have questions about last night's board meeting and what it means for the future. As always my door is open and I am happy to talk with you about this circumstance or any other thing that you want to talk about. Just stop in!
The Board Directed me to share the following communication with the public as well>
Last night the School Board voted to not-renew the Corbett Charter School lease. The Board also directed me to inform the public that the Board intends to provide for the continuity of each student's educational opportunities in Corbett School District. First, the Charter School may find some other venue in Corbett School District from which to operate and each Charter family would have the choice to attend school at that new venue. Second, in the next two weeks the Board will describe the process by which non-resident families can continue their student's education here on the main campus. Look for updates to be posted on the District web site.
Randy Trani, Ed.D.
Superintendent Corbett Schools
35800 Historic Columbia River Highway
Corbett, OR 97019
503 261-4201
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: February 12, 2014 at 12:09:58 AM PSTTo: Bob Dunton <
Subject: What's next?
Corbett School District will announce by March first how many students they will accept on open enrollment. That's you!
If they announce about 480 openings, they intend to take all of you plus a new group of kindergarteners.
The best way to support Corbett Charter School is to apply as soon as they open up the process, fill up all of their slots, but DO NOT give in to any pressure to actually enroll early. Fill out anything they want except the request for records. That will save your place in the charter school.
Even if they do pressure you to enroll, you are not obligated to attend. If we are still in the building, you can still switch back at your discretion. In the meanwhile, they won't be nearly so comfortable as they had hoped, knowing that we are still a charter community and that we are in control of their slots. That could be a huge bargaining chip as the legal proceedings unfold.
This plan has the advantage of both securing your place in Corbett (if you want your children educated by people who's priorities are slightly different that you are used to) and using that place as leverage should you choose to.
That's what's next. Apply. Have your cake and eat it, too. Then keep an eye on the legal proceedings and we will be in touch regarding what your options are as things unfold.
Many of you aren't comfortable with playing 'hard ball'. This isn't 'hard ball'. This is just thoughtful slow pitch!
Cheers, and all the best to each of you.
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: February 13, 2014 at 6:39:56 AM PSTTo: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Touching Base
Hi, all,
I don't have more details to share with you, but I do want to keep in touch.
Three things:
1. One great way to support Corbett Charter School in the short run is to apply for Corbett School District's 'open enrollment' when they announce it in early March. Open enrollment means that you don't need permission from your resident district in order to attend Corbett School next year. If we pack their lottery with Charter kids, we own their lottery and your choices MATTER to them, which is a great bargaining position for us to be in AND assures you of at least one choice.
2. Our lawyer believes that their attempt at evicting us in unenforceable. We may have to live with being unwanted for another year, but you have to get it that my staff has felt the intense pressure of being unwanted virtually from the beginning. As they say, "Hell hath no scorn like NOT being left out of the charter school!"
3. True story: One of of the unionistas who railed against us at the Board meeting gave me a hug earlier that same day and said, "Thanks. I really needed that. It's been a rough couple of weeks." I live in a most peculiar world. Yesterday I shook hands with this same person and said, "We're still good, right?" The response? "Yes, we're good." Political theatrics. Tears and trembling lips are pretty easy to produce on demand if the occasion calls for it. Just doing business, Corbett School style.
We have not slowed down a single step. Had a good school day yesterday. On the way to another.
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Bob Dunton <
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 11:13 AMSubject: If you support Corbett Charter School
Please don't participate in face book debates. This is best left to the people whose job it is to be the best informed. Public speculation and spectacle only help our detractors regardless of your intention. I've already been told of erroneous claims 'in support' of us. This is a high stakes conversation, and though I may sometimes appear to be casual, every word, and every 'slip', is crafted for effect. I really need room to work!
Thanks for your tireless support and efforts.
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School
From: Bob Dunton <
Date: February 13, 2014 at 11:22:15 PM PSTTo: Bob Dunton <
Subject: End it Now?
Do you want to put an end to the Corbett School District conflict now? Would you like to know for certain that you have a secure home at Corbett Charter School in Corbett, Oregon next year? I have a proposal. (This, by the way, is what hardball looks like.)
Corbett is fully dependent on the income that your children generate. If the friends of Corbett Charter School stick together, we hold about $3.3 million on our hands. That's a simple, unalterable fact.
If your children don't attend Corbett next year, the District loses $3.3 million dollars from their projected revenue. Can they replace those dollars through open enrollment? No. How do we know? We have the only data in existence regarding the current demand for schooling in Corbett. We have the new applications that came in for Corbett Charter School this year. We have the numbers. Corbett has only the confidence that you are willing to be treated like numbers.
How may prospective new students are out there? There are dozens of kindergarten applicants, each of which generates only half the funding of older students. The District might reasonably accept 60. That leaves them about 450 short of their necessary enrollment.
In grades 1-5, if they accept every single applicant, that will bring in 131 more students. Now they are 319 short of their fiscal goal.
Admitting every single 7th and 8th grader who applied will bring another 39. Only 280 to go.
In grades 9-12 there are 31 applicants. Now they are 249 short. All done. No more. 249 students short. $1,618,500.00 short. That number is conservative.
What will Corbett do with a $1,618.500 shortfall? Lay off 20 teachers? One can only speculate.
The news is even worse for the District if we just look at the high school. If 150 Corbett Charter 10th, 11th and 12th grade students don't attend Corbett High School next year, the District loses $1,235,000.00 just at that level. If they accept every new applicant in grades 10 through 12 (all 31 of them!), they are still down $975,000.00. Their recourse? Cut 10 or 12 high school teachers? That would make it literally impossible for Corbett to offer a secondary program. In days past Corbett has repeatedly visited the notion of sending all of their high school students to Reynolds. Wouldn't that be something...
This is hard reality. The $6500 per student that I am using is conservative. Their actual losses would be somewhat greater. The Reynolds conversation has literally occurred at the District Board level. Old timers will tell that it crops up about every 20 years. It was in the air when I cam to Corbett in 1999.
Corbett doesn't want to go there. They will not. So if every parent of the 480 current charter students could find the will to act as part of a single community, Corbett School District would be forced to give up its scheme to disown us and to face reality.
If just the parents of 140 current 9th, 10th and 11th graders put the District on notice that they will not tolerate the District's treatment of their chosen school, the conversation is over. The District gives in. Period. They will have no choice (which should be the district motto, as often as I've heard it recently!)
Worse news for the District: If any of the current new applicants have siblings in the charter school, the charter parents have even more leverage.
What is at stake for Corbett Charter parents and their children? At the elementary school: Imaginative Education, Philosophy for Children, Learning in Depth, Mrs Neely, Mr. Clark, Ms. Reed Stuewe, Mrs. Dunton, Ms. Meadows, Ms. Carroll, Ms. Hammers, Mrs. Sims.
At the middle school? And exceptional and authentic thematic curriculum delivered by remarkable teachers who understand the intricacies of teaching that very unique age group: Ms. Robertson, Ms. Dummer, Ms. Sinclair.
At the high school, at risk is one of America's best college preparatory programs. The AP program, the iPad program, the Scholarship program. And most important of all: Mr. Swanson, Mr. Robertson, Ms. Hedger, Ms. Ogden, Ms. Ducey, Mr. Goude and the Grumpy Old Man.
If we act together, if we require that Corbett School District acts with integrity towards us and toward your school, everybody wins. The Corbett resident students win as much as anyone.
SOCIAL TRAP ALERT: If everyone acts for the good of the group, Corbett Charter School wins. If people are too caught up in seeking out their personal advantage, everybody loses. The approach that I am proposing requires a careful strategy that allows us to to deploy our leverage without exposing any individual family to possible negative consequences for standing up to the District.
How we do this? We manage the information flow. All information comes directly to me, and I don't share anything with the District until I have sat down with all of the parents who are willing to act and agreed that we have adequate leverage to overwhelm Dr. Trani's resistance to our presence. Only then, when the outcome is judged to be inevitable, do we share the names of the parents who stood up and the number of students (unfortunately, since this is how the District sees them, as revenue) that they stand to lose.
You can win this. Only you. We can finalize it as quickly as you wish, with no exposure to any individual until we have a large enough group to provide safety for all. This is a good plan.
How do we organize it?
Don't hit 'reply'. Send me a separate email or a signed note on a separate piece of paper. Tell me the names and current grades of your children in Corbett Charter School. Include the names and current grades of any of your children who have applied to Corbett Charter School for next year. Say in your note that you will not enroll your students in Corbett unless Corbett School District allows Corbett Charter School to have at least one more year on the Corbett campus. Demand that we be allowed to eventually part ways in a manner that is good for kids.
I will collect the notes and keep them confidential. When I receive enough to make Corbett School District's finances clearly untenable next year, I will call a meeting of all parents who have submitted a note or email and confirm with them that we have adequate leverage to force the District to behave ethically toward us. I will not release a single name to the district without specific permission to do so.
By the way, when Open Enrollment is announced, apply! Fill every slot. Tie up every option. Take control.
Watch for notice to come that several of the teachers that your children hold most dear are taking a similar ethical stand but without a safety net. They believe that, if necessary, they can attend the upcoming Oregon Educator Fair in t-shirts that say Corbett Charter School and choose among any number of offers that will come to teachers with CCS on their resumes and letters of recommendation under CCS letterhead.
This is what hardball looks like. People sometimes say that they want power but are hesitant to take the responsibility that comes with it. How about it?
Be well, my friends. If this approach doesn't appeal to you, I understand fully, and you have no need to explain. I expect to hear from dozens of you this weekend, which is why I'd like for you to stay off the 'reply' button. The screen gets confusing and I don't want to lose track of a single act of conscience.
Your confidentiality will be protected. The fact that we have a plan will be public knowledge. If anyone asks what you personally are doing about it, it's perfectly OK so say that it's a family decision that you aren't discussing with anyone else. But the Corbett administration needs to understand what we are dong and to learn that the tactics of the playground bully only work on children.
Don't be alarmed when some people respond with yet another round of name calling. (I have dibs on Voldemort!) They are right to be concerned. Their District leadership is playing 'chicken' with their children's futures. Name calling might be their only available outlet.
The future is what you make of it, as they say. You don't need to wait for someone else to save your school or secure you child's education. How often in your lifetime will this sort of opportunity present itself? I urge you to consider taking a stand.
Forgive how disjointed this must be. It's late, I'm fairly tired and I want to get this out to you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School