Gresham Outlook Articles, 2/21/14EDITOR OPINION PIECE: ON THIS MEETING:
BOARD GOALS and DISTRICT OBJECTIVES 2013-2014Foster intellectual development, maintain and plan for adequate facilities, develop plans for safety and transportation during the school day, operate the district in a fiscally responsible manner, and build trust in District communication among Corbett School District communities.
( To download and view letters/documents visit this link: -And select the AGENDA PACKET )CORBETT SCHOOL DISTRICT - REGULAR BOARD MEETING - MPB/BOARD ROOM
7:00 PM - Wednesday, February 19, 2014
1. 1.
Call to Order / Flag Salute Presenter: Charlie O'Neil - Board Chairman Time: 7:00 p.m.
1. 2.
Review and Acceptance of Agenda Presenter: Charlie O'Neil - Board Chairman
1. 3.
Audit 2012-2013 Report Sabino Arredondo, CPA Wilcox Arredondo & Co Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 97.2-14 -
RESOLVED that the Board accept the 2012-2013 audit report.
1. 4.
Approval of Minutes Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 98.2-14 - RESOLVED that the Board approve the minutes of the below listed meetings.
1. 4. a.
Special School Board Meeting December 2, 2013 Regular School Board Meeting December 18, 2013 Special School Board Meeting January 8, 2014 Regular School Board Meeting January 15, 2014 Special School Board Meeting January 22, 2014 Special School Board Meeting February 5, 2014 Special School Board Meeting February 11, 2014
1. 5.
Board Chairman Report Presenter: Charlie O'Neil
1. 5. a.
Budget Committee Vacancy Position No. 7- term expires 12/14 Information Item
1. 6.
Review of Correspondence to Board Information Items
E-mail from Larena Heaton, CCS parent
E-mail from Alyssa Reed-Stuewe, CCS teacher
E-mail from Cindy Smith, patron
E-mails from Tracy Brill, patron/parent
E-mails from Alan Pettengill, CCS/CSD parent E-mail from
David DeFauw and Julia Christopher, patrons/parents
E-mail from Kim, Nate, Emma and Abby Hoke, CCS parents/students
E-mail from Anonymous CCS parent
1. 7.
Principal / Director Reports
1. 7. a.
GS Principal Presenter: DeeDee Hanes
1. 7. b.
CAPS Principal Presenter: Lori Luna
1. 7. c.
MS/HS Principal Presenter: Phil Pearson
1. 8.
Introduction and Comments of Guests and Representatives The following procedures for public comment are established by Policy. All individual comments will be limited to three minutes unless the chairman extends the time limit. Issues requiring more time should be placed in writing and forwarded to the superintendent for the correspondence section of the Board agenda. (One week in advance of Board meeting date) Speakers are required to sign up with an audience comments card (give to Board secretary before meeting begins) and announce their name and speak from the table, lectern or microphone. Advice from OSBA: It is not a good idea to engage the public in a discussion at this time. All comments should be directed to the chair. it is appropriate for the chair to direct the superintendent to answer any questions or concerns with the speaker at a later time.
2. 1.
Report Information Item
2. 2.
Budget Committee Interviews Action Item a. Marguerite Perry
b. Jeremy Sievert
c. RESOLUTION NO. 99-2.14 - RESOLVED that the Board appoint _______________ to serve as budget committee member position no. 7, term expires December 2014.
2. 3.
Oregon Department of Revenue Local Budget Law Workshop Information Item Free trainings for Board Members, Budget Committee Members and Administrators.
2. 4.
Adoption of Multnomah ESD Programs and Services Proposals for 2014-2015 Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 100.2-14 - BE IT RESOLVED that, according to ORS 334.175, the Board of Directors of Corbett School District No. 39, Multnomah
County, Oregon, agrees to the conditions and provision of all programs and services, described in the 2014-2015 Local Service Plan - Multnomah Education Service District.
2. 4. a.
MESD Local Services Plan for 2014-2015 was approved by their Board on Saturday, January 11, 2014 and is available on the MESD website: under the Publication tab.
Superintendent Trani's Report Information Item3. 1.
Staffing Recommendations for 2014-2015 Course Offerings for 2014-20154.
CONSENT AGENDA The following procedures for the consent agenda are established by Policy. The Superintendent recommends adoption by single consent motion the following listed items which are identified on the agenda by a double asterisk**. Any of these items may be removed from the consent agenda by the Director notifying the Superintendent at least 24 hours prior to the meeting that the Director will request that the item be considered separately and as regularly listed on the agenda. Items that remain on the consent agenda will be acted upon following the "Preliminary Business." The affected individuals, organizations, or institutions shall be notified that the item has been removed from the consent agenda and informed of the approximate time for consideration. Persons who request an opportunity to address the Board prior to action shall be granted up to 15 minutes for such presentations. If a Director requests the removal of an item at the meeting without prior notification, that item will be considered at the next regular meeting.
4. 1.
Personnel and Policy Action Items 10.2 **RESOLUTION NO. 101.2-14** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the hire of Josh Delafield, Varsity Baseball Coach, effective spring season 2014. 10.3**RESOLUTION NO. 102.2-14** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm the hire of Jodi Buresh, Varsity Cheerleading Coach for winter season 2013-2014. 10.4**RESOLUTION NO. 103.2-14** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm OFLA for Steve Salisbury, Maintenance II, effective approximately March 7, 2014 for two days and for one week May 2014. 10.5**RESOLUTION NO. 104.2-14** - RESOLVED that the Board confirm OFLA for Dacia Loeung, .5 FTE 3rd-5th CGS Teacher, effective January 20, 2014 - May 4, 2014. 11.1**RESOLUTION NO. 105.2-14**- RESOLVED that the Board approve the second reading of the following policy: a. DBEA-Budget Committee (Version 1) 11.2**RESOLUTION NO. 106.2-14** - RESOLVED that the Board approve the first reading of the following policies: a. BFD - Board Policy Implementation b. IGAI - Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education** c. JECB - Admission of Nonresident Students d. JF/JFA - Student Rights and Responsibilities** e. JFC - Student Conduct and Discipline**(Version 2) f. JFCJ - Weapons in the Schools** g. JG - Student Discipline** h. JGAB - Use of Restraint and Seclusion
5. 1.
Application for STEM high school for 2014-2015 Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 107.2-14 - RESOLVED that the Board approve application to ODE and process authorizing the Corbett School District to have STEM high school for 2014-2015.5. 2.
Standards for Out of District Lottery Processes Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 108.2-14 - RESOLVED that the Board approve the standards for the out of district lottery process as presented to the Board Tuesday, February 18, 2014.6.
9. 1.
Booster Club (CARDS) Information item
9. 2.
Vacant Positions Information Item The Booster Club has openings for Spring 2014 - Middle School Head and Assistant Track Coaches, and for fall 2014, Middle School Football Coach.
10. 1.
Vacant Positions Information Item The District has no vacancies at this time.
10. 2.
See 4.1
10. 3.
See 4.1
10. 4.
See 4.1
10. 5.
See 4.1
11. 1.
See 4.1
11. 2.
See 4.1
11. 3.
Policy CBA - Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent Policy CBG - Evaluation of the Superintendent Information Items12.
RECESS Time: 8:45 p.m.
EXECUTIVE SESSION - ORS 192.660(2)(i) -To review and evaluate the employment-related performance of the chief executive office of any public body, a public officer, employee or staff member who does not request an open hearing.14.
Results of the Evaluation Process for the Superintendent Action Item RESOLUTION NO. 109.2-14 - RESOLVED that the Board approve the results of the Superintendent's Evaluation.16.
17. 1.
February 21, Friday School DAy
17. 2.
Thursday, February 27, End of 2nd Trimester
17. 3.
Friday, February 28, Assessment
17. 4.
Wednesday, March 12, Regular School Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m. MPB
school board agenda 02/19/2014