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Author Topic: 2014 Charter Renewal?  (Read 21136 times)
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« on: January 26, 2014, 08:14:03 AM »

Articles in the paper and more detail...

1/21/2014: Corbett Board to decide on Charter Renewal

1/24/2014: Corbett School District renews charter school but still negotiating

Is the Corbett Charter School moving to a new building in Rockwood? According to the above article in the Gresham Outlook:

"With rumors of the charter school moving to Rockwood, The Outlook stopped by the Rockwood Community Development Corporation office, which is the site of the proposed future school. Startled, staff members confirmed the proposed school plan, but declined to comment and deferred questions to Corbett Charter School Director Bob Dunton. Dunton did not return a phone message or email from The Outlook related to the proposed school in Rockwood; however, the city of Gresham confirmed a pre-application for a 53,000-square-foot K-12 charter school in Rockwood at 19043 S.E. Stark St. The site would consolidate 11 parcels, and the materials were received by the city on Sept. 13, 2013.The narrative statement for the site concept for Rockwood Charter School states the school “is an existing charter school program located in Corbett, Ore., that would relocate to this property.”

In response to the above article and information, Bob Dunton sent and/or forwarded the below three emails to his Charter Parent List:

Bob's First Email to Randy Trani cc'ing the Board, forwarded to his email list
* Note: There are two board members (Annette Calcagno and Victoria Purvine) that Mr. Dunton left off.

From: Bob Dunton <<>>
Date: January 21, 2014 at 3:01:36 PM PST
To: Randy Trani <<>>
Subject: Clarification Regarding Rockwood and Corbett Charter School

Dear Dr. Trani,

I wanted to revisit with you our conversations regarding a possible Rockwoood school site (in a building that has yet to be approved for construction) prior to the Corbett School Board meeting tomorrow night.

You will recall that our only conversation regarding Rockwood had to do with the expressed desire of certain elements  within Corbett School District to move Corbett Charter School out of Corbett.  In the event that they won the day, we wanted a back-up plan.

To see this possibility portrayed as a threat against the district makes good press for the Outlook and the local blog, but it is utterly unrealistic.  I say this based on two things:

1.  Any operation of Corbett Charter School, sponsored by Corbett School District, in Rockwood would require the approval of both Corbett and Reynolds School District Boards.  It could not happen without such approval and is therefore completely in the control of the Corbett School District Board of Directors.

2.  The eventual operation of a different charter school at the Rockwood site doesn't preclude the continued operation of the Corbett Charter School in Corbett, and there is no necessary link between the two options.

We have scrambled to create possible futures in the event that Corbett Charter School finds itself no longer welcome in Corbett.  It would be a tragic irony if making a back--up plan was turned into a reason to non-renew the charter school.

I know that misinformation is much more readily available than true information. I know that there are community members who are ready to turn any rumor into an accusation of wrong-doing.   But anyone who has followed our communication with the Corbett Charter Community knows that we have repeatedly and publicly stated our intention to operate Corbett Charter School on the Corbett campus unless Corbett School District prohibits our presence.

Rockwood is a possibility which as yet hasn't received final approval for construction.   It is part of a plan for renewing a neighborhood, and it is an interesting prospect.  But it is literally irrelevant to the decision before you.  It is also outside the criteria upon which a renewal decision ought to be based.

It is my sincere hope that we can proceed accordingly.


Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School

Second email to his email list

From: Bob Dunton <<>>
Date: January 21, 2014 at 7:49:07 PM PST
To: Bob Dunton <<>>
Subject: Final Note to the Corbett Board prior to the meeting!

Dear Friends,

Here is a copy of a note that I just sent to the Corbett School Board.  I hope that you see that we are doing everything we can to secure for your student the option of attending Corbett Charter School in Corbett, Oregon!

Dear Members of the Corbett School District Board:

I am authorized to forward the following proposal in order to eliminate any ambiguity around Corbett Charter School's commitment to operating in Corbett, Oregon.

The Corbett Charter School Association will sign a lease agreement for the duration of any renewed Corbett Charter School agreement to lease space from Corbett School District at a rate that is 30% higher than the current rent that we pay under the charter agreement.  That would come to $39,000 per classroom per year.  The rate of rent after year one could be tied to percentage changes in annual per pupil funding.

One hates to be too blunt, and nobody wants to see how laws or sausage are made, but I don't feel that we have time to adequately diffuse yet another round of rumors and accusations from certain members of the community. I would like to cut through the politics and just get this done for the sake of offering a stable school environment to all of our students and a significant financial advantage to Corbett School District.

I trust that this puts to rest any threat of abandonment.


Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School

Third email to his email list

From: Bob Dunton <<>>
Date: January 21, 2014 at 9:18:01 PM PST
To: Bob Dunton <<>>
Subject: Wednesday Night Board Meeting

Hi, All,

I got confirmation today that tomorrow night is not just the Corbett Charter renewal hearing but also the vote on renewal. This means in all likelihood that Board members have decided which way to vote and we are just waiting to hear.

But what are we going to hear?

A 'yes' vote means that a renewal is authorized, and the next step is to negotiate a new charter.  So 'yes' is a two-step process.

A 'no' vote means that we appeal.  The first appeal will be to the Corbett School Board.  In the event of a 2nd 'no' vote, the next appeal goes outside of Corbett for review, then possibly comes back to Corbett for a third vote.  Another negative result most likely goes to court.  So a 'no' vote tomorrow is anything but final. Frustrating, but not final.

We do an incredible job educating students, and at a fraction of the cost of most public schools in Oregon (or anywhere else). That should be the end of the conversation, but somehow it isn't.  The fact is that there are those folks who care about almost everything else...and that puts them at odds with those of us who care about virtually nothing else.

So 'yes' means we're almost there, and 'no' means it's going to take longer. And patience is a virtue.

Just thought you'd like to know.



Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School

Gresham Outlook Article and Bob Dunton's email to his list after the hearing on January 22, 2014

1/24/2014: Corbett Board Renews Charter School

From: Bob Dunton <>
Date: January 22, 2014 at 9:24:52 PM PST
To: Charterboard <>
Subject: Renewal?

Corbett Charter School was unanimously renewed by the Corbett School District Board tonight.  This is a clear win, but there is still a process.  Next comes negotiation of the new charter.  We'll keep you up to date on that part.

Thanks for your support, and especially to our Charter School Board for taking the lead on the renewal process!


Bob Dunton, Director
Corbett Charter School

"the new charter?"

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