The Sheriff's Office has now provided the Citizen Patrol volunteers with a decommissioned county patrol car. For years, the volunteers have been driving their own vehicles and purchasing their own fuel for patrols. They'll now be able to increase their visibility in Corbett and the gorge areas. On its first day of patrol use the volunteers assisted a patrol deputy with traffic control at a crash. If you'd like to donate or volunteer with the Citizen Patrol, visit
www.corbettoregon.com and click the "Citizen Patrol" tab.
The deadline for the 9th annual Citizen's Police Academy is approaching. The 12-week Academy is FREE with its 1st class on 9/4. All classes are from 7-9PM at the Wood Village City Hall. THE DEADLINE TO REGISTER IS FRIDAY 8/30 at $PM. To apply, contact Sgt. James Eriksen at
james.eriksen@mcso.us. Applications are also available online at the Wood Village City Hall website. Attendees must be 18 or older.
A Corbett School Resource Officer will soon be selected to work in the Corbett schools this Fall! This position will be in addition to the assigned patrol deputy and the Community Resource Officer.
Select the below link in blue to see the July 2013 Crime Report for our area.