Please join us again this year on the 4th of July for our annual scholarship pancake breakfast at Springdale Job Corps.
The Columbia River Gorge Kiwanis Club has awarded three $1000 scholarships to Corbett High School graduates, said Michael Orelove, member of the Kiwanis Scholarship Committee.
Scholarship recipient Danielle Jane Henderson plans to attend Mt. Hood Community College and recipients Trey Scott Smith and Natalie Ann Herge plan to attend Oregon State University.
As a service organization, Kiwanis seeks to encourage, through grants in aid of further education, students who have been actively in service to others, and who therefore will be likely to volunteer their time and leadership skills in the future to benefit their communities wherever they live and work.
Scholarship candidates must attend a college, university or trade school during the upcoming academic year, have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 or better, are asked to write a 400 word essay with an emphasis on their community service and leadership qualities, as well as solicit three recommendation letters.
The Kiwanis club raises the scholarship money through a 4th of July pancake breakfast every year at the Corbett Fun Festival. This year, pancakes, eggs and ham will be served from 7 AM to 10 AM on July 4th at the Springdale Job Corps, 31224 E. Columbia River Gorge Highway. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 for ages 10 and younger. Children under 5 eat free.
For information on the scholarship program or fundraiser breakfast, contact Michael Orelove at (503) 703-4495 or email