Multnomah County has passed a new gun ordinance. One of the main questions that has arisen in Corbett is:
"Can I still shoot on my own property?". The answer is "yes" as long as it's done in a safe manner that doesn't endanger the lives or property of others. For more information you can click go to this link:
http://web.multco.us/sites/default/files/home/documents/multcogunordinancefaq.pdfWith the upcoming school board elections we have received numerous complaints about the theft of political signs from private property. This is considered theft. If anyone sees someone stealing signs, please call the non-emergency number at 503-823-3333.
The Sheriff's Office and the Corbett School District have just begun planning for a summer "Active Shooter" training exercise involving staff, without the students present. This training will benefit school staff as well as deputies and others involved in the exercise.
If you are at least 21 years old and can pass a background check, we'd be interested in having you join our Citizen Patrol program. To learn more about the program please visit