Free Rainwater Harvesting Tour
Rainwater Harvesting for both irrigation and home use is becoming more popular around the US. This is especially true for drought-stricken areas. Water price are increase for municipal water to a point that it may not be cost-effective to grow at garden. There will be a Rainwater Harvesting tour at 2 locations in the Metro East Area on Saturday May 11th. At 10 am, Andrew and JoAnn Jackman of 22375 SE Ridgeview Dr. in Damascus will host anyone interested in a tour of the recently installed above ground 1550 gallon rainwater tank that using gravity feed and a basic timer to irrigate the garden. At 2 pm Clair and Beverly Klock of Klock Farm at 931 NE Salzman Rd. in Corbett will host a tour of their 3500 gallon inground cistern with a smart irrigation system that used real time data and on-site evaporation measurement to irrigate a small nursery container yard on the farm. The Klock's rainwater system resulted in a 90 percent decrease in municipal water consumption in its first year of operation. Tour will last 30-45 minutes or until questions are answered. Clair is both an Accredited Professional and Inspector Specialist certified by the American Rainwater Catchment System Association (ARCSA).
For details, called or email Clair at 504.695.5882 or