Dear Community members and friends of Tom Layton,
On March 6, 2013 there will be a dinner to honor Tom Layton for all the hard work and dedicated service he has provided to the Corbett Community.
The dinner will be at 6:30 at the Springdale Job Corp, with Leroy Smith presenting a plaque and Sheriff Dan Staton as guest speaker.
The price per adult will be $10, children ten and under $5. This will be used to offset the cost of the meal and to help send Tom and Gina on a two night get-away to the Coast.
Space will be limited, so please call Ann Putnam at 503 695-2112 or Gail Johnson at 503 695-2272 to reserve spaces.
Also, if you have a story you would like to share about Tom please let Ann or Gail know.
Download the flier below by selecting the link in blue.