"A Tribute to Our Feathered Friends" Art Show and Sale presented by the Springdale Art Network
Birdhouses, birdbaths, bird feeders, sculpted birds, painted birds featuring oil, acrylic and watercolor paintings, mixed media, jewelry, pottery, photography and custom framing.
May 11 and 12 and 18 and 19. Fridays 6pm - 8pm and Saturdays 11am - 8pm
Springdale School Community Center, 32045 Historic Columbia River Hwy in Springdale, Oregon.
Call to Artists: spaces are still available if you are interested in displaying your work: birds are featured, however show is open to many topics. Deadline for show registration is May 6. For a registration form or more information, call Cherise Miller at 503-318-5179 or go to "News and Events" at