Why hasn’t CSD advertised that we accept tuition students? Check out Lake Oswego’s web site
http://www.loswego.k12.or.us/general_info/visitor_info/enrolling.htm they make it very easy to fill out transfer papers and tuition applications. I know there are a few members on the school board (Maureen and Charlie) who only want to make the Charter School bigger. Why is that? According to Mr.Trani’s Numbers it would take 168 students paying $6140 tuition in order to completely make up for what it takes 350 charter students. CSD receives less than half of the money from a charter student as we would from a transfer or tuition student.
Why isn’t CSD benefiting from our good reputation? Only the Charter School is benefiting. It seems the AP courses alone (all paid for) and the potential to have some college paid for would bring tuition paying students out. Also, advertise that we accept transfer students. This would bring our district more money per student then the Charter School, AND keep our school small. Our size is our best asset, and something you can’t get anywhere around here. Where else can your children attend school k-12 on the same beautiful campus?
Riverdale serves 600 students. 101.5 of those students pay close to $12,000 per year. They also have an agreement with the surrounding districts to allow a certain # of transfer students in. This agreement is something Corbett doesn’t have in place yet, but should. I am sure other districts would prefer to allow 50 of their students to transfer then to lose 100’s if we opened another Charter school.
I think $10,000 tuition(Corbett’s current tuition rate) is too high. Corbett should lower it to be much closer to the actual amount that we would receive if they were a district student.
I appreciate Mr.Trani’s thoughtful and respectful reply to my post.
To Wondering: Funny you should bring up international students. I noticed Riverdale also invites international students and charges them around $16,000