Here are a few new budget solution ideas from Gaston and Warrenton -*residents directed the Superintendent to slash Gaston’s budget rather than merge with another district or create a charter school.
*cut $200,000 from administrative budget
*”I really like the small district feel. I feel the kids get more personal attention. I think the cuts can work.”
*District office employees, including the superintendent, will take furlough days.
*”Volunteers will play a huge role in the new school dynamics” “I had about four different parents come up to me after the meeting and just say, ‘What do you need? What can I do?” “We are trying to get our volunteer cadre ready to roll.”*Gaston (465 students) must to cut $900,000 from its budget.
*The Middle/High School principal is dropping down to half time to save the district $50,000
*”In December, district leaders were mulling the idea of merging with a larger nearby district or educating students in a charter school arrangement. Patrons weren’t thrilled with either option”. (Mr. Trani said Gaston came through our school to see our charter school arrangement and ask questions)
*”Community Members are applauding a list of (budget) cuts.”
*”27% decrease in the administrative budget” The Superintendent works part time. They will have 1 full time administrator.
*”I think we will really have to band together now. Parents will have to step up and do more because there won’t be as many people on staff.”*Warrenton Schools will have to cut between 450,000 and 550,000 from their school budget depending on how much money is carried over at the end of this (school) year.