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Author Topic: All Charter District - completed charter proposal submitted to the board  (Read 7888 times)
Hero Member
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« on: August 28, 2019, 02:55:15 PM »


Prior Information and Discussions about the mention of going to an ALL CHARTER District can be found here:

November 2018:

May 2019:

December 2010:

Update 8/29/19. Another (new) message from CORBETT SCHOOL DISTRICT 39 today. This is a follow up on their message from yesterday (8/28/19). As a recap of the latest email: CSD states that they are actually planning to wait and follow Rob Saxton's recommendations and not make any decisions until next year regarding going to an all Charter. Original message (yesterday) below. New message added below that.  

Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 1:33 PM
Subject: An update regarding Board consideration of district charter conversion.


Dear Patrons,

The Open Enrollment Law that allowed the district to accept out of district students sunsetted earlier this year. Currently, the only path for out of district students to attend Corbett is through the interdistrict transfer process which depends upon other districts to release students. Further, that process is cumbersome, time consuming, and unpredictable. For those reasons, since November 2017, the Corbett School Board has been considering converting our district to a district with a single charter school (charter district). This conversion would allow the district to continue accepting out of district students in a predictable streamlined fashion.

An update to that nearly two year long  process and its status are as follows:

A charter district proposal was submitted to the board in April 2019 to be reviewed not for approval, but for completeness. In early June 2019 an advisory committee made up of members of the Vision and Values Committee also reviewed it for completeness, as did the Oregon School Board Association (OSBA).

At the June 2019 board meeting, based on recommendations from the advisory committee and OSBA, an updated, completed charter proposal was submitted to the board. Normally within 60 days of receiving a completed proposal the board holds a public hearing on the provisions of the proposal. The board is drawing closer to acting on this charter proposal and is giving it careful consideration, including advice of outside consultant Rob Saxton, receiving feedback from the public, and training from the Oregon School Board Association (OSBA).

Although there are many technical issues to work out in a conversion of this nature, there are three critical pieces of information to remember:

A charter district, unlike a charter school, operates under the same elected school board that it did before the conversion.

This conversion is not intended to dramatically change the district except that it allows the district to continue accepting out of district students in a predictable streamlined fashion.

The elected school board will always remain in control of the charter agreement, including setting the number of out of district students allowed into the district.

The board will likely set the charter proposal public hearing as an agenda item in the near future. As always, the district and board encourage patrons to attend board meetings to stay informed. Regular board meetings happen the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18th. They are typically in the MPB.  

Date: August 29, 2019 at 12:10:33 PM PDT
Subject: Update on Charter Conversion



Dear Patrons,

This information is intended as a follow up to yesterday’s email regarding the Board’s consideration of converting our district to a district with a single charter school (charter district). There are no plans to take any actions at the September meeting. The process of changing to a Charter will require and include opportunities for continued public comment at Board meetings. Many particulars of the conversion need to be solidified over the coming months but the ultimate goal will be to have the conversion complete by the 20-21 school year. As always, the district and board encourage patrons to attend board meetings to stay informed. Regular board meetings happen the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The next board meeting will be on Wednesday, September 18th. They are typically in the MPB.  

We hope to see you there.

* Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 2.06.26 PM.png (770.05 KB, 2012x1210 - viewed 827 times.)
Hero Member
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« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2019, 03:06:13 PM »

Some Background on the above emails from CSD

The 8/28/19 email states that it has been a 2 year process (regarding the move to go to an all Charter District). It may be 2 years to the school board members involved in these discussions based on Randy Trani's leadership - but for the majority of our community (much like the first Charter School) hearing this will be new and will feel rushed if we opt to ignore the recommendations by Rob Saxton.

Rob Saxton was the consultant hired by CSD who conducted an independent review of CSD and presented his findings in February of 2019. He recommended that CSD wait until next year to make this decision to go to an "All Charter District" and only after a "covenant" with the community was established (among other steps).

This covenant was to include (among other things) promises by CSD to the community to gradually reduce CSD's out of district population numbers through attrition. (There is a link to Saxton's presentation and report  where he explains how this would allow us to preserve and even expand programming like CTE below.) The video presentation and time stamp is listed below (to hear this specific piece of his report).

In June of this year, the below linked article by OPB stated in part; "Corbett residents who attended last month’s school board meeting were surprised to see a resolution to approve a charter application for the district on the agenda. It struck some as moving too quickly on a complicated change.

“We would like to express our concern that this decision perpetuates a pattern of rushed and ill-informed decision-making that negatively impacts the relations with our community at large,” (This was from a statement by one IC3S member during the public comment period at the meeting.) Link to that article:

Link to Rob Saxton's report presentation/video with the information about going all charter and how to and why to reduce population numbers (etc) starting at 1:43:52:

Visions and Values Committee

The IC3 Group posted video of Rob Saxton's recommendations for CSD as well as his in depth look at our school district.

Rob Saxton suggested waiting until February of 2020 to vote to go to an all charter district and only with certain conditions.
You can hear this at 1:43:52 in this video:

Saxton also recommended CSD form a Committee (Visions and Values Committee) to help guide the goals for our school district.

He suggested this group be a broad representation of 20 people. Specifically to include: 3 school board members, 1 Superintendent, 2 community members with no students in school, 6 community parents with kids in school, 2 parents from out of district, 2 high school students. This can be heard at 1:36:30 in the video.

The attached graphic gives an overview of CSD's choices for those serving. The Vision and Values Committee members here:

* alook-1.jpg (1008.55 KB, 2880x2880 - viewed 905 times.)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2019, 03:07:21 PM »

Visions and Values Committee Members Include:

Kristin Miles: Oregon School Board Association Facilitator

Sheron Fruehauf: Community Member

Dee Dee Hanes: Staff

Chris Holden: Community Member

Helen Perry: Student

Geoffrey  Wunn: Non-Resident Parent

Kate Hawley: Student

Alisa Goslin Davis: Non-Resident Parent

Abigail Steichen: Staff, Non-Resident Parent

Travis Younker: Resident Parent

Phil Pearson: Staff, Non-Resident Parent

Vanessa  Lyon: Resident Parent

David Gorman: Board Member

Debbie Vasen: Resident Parent

Michel Vo: Board Member, Resident Parent

Patrick Oldright: Resident Parent

Randy Trani: Staff, Resident Parent

Bethany Gelbrich: Resident Parent

Katey Kinnear: Board Member, Resident Parent

David Irving: Resident Parent

Rhiannon Young: Staff, Resident Parent


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