Quoting the attached letter from the TSCC dated June 4, 2019 - addressed to CSD and board chair Michelle Vo:For a district of Corbett’s size, the General Fund’s over expenditures are an extreme and significant oversight. This is exacerbated by the district’s history of overspending its legal appropriations. Only once in the past several years has the district stayed within its legal appropriations. While the TSCC recognizes that there has been a high turnover rate among finance staff, the Board and Superintendent must prioritize the hiring and retention of professional financial management staff. This is essential for the sound management of the district.* TSCC: This appointed body has Financial jurisdiction over all the budgets of Multnomah County elected governing bodies, so a letter from them saying they have reservations about CSD's illegal overspending and stated we exceeded our payroll/staffing allowances in 2017/18 by over $500,000 in one year seems like worth sitting up and taking seriously.