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  • Corbett Issues Forum Recycling: November 14, 2018
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Author Topic: Corbett Issues Forum, Wednesday, Nov 14, 7:00 pm at the Grange. Topic: Recycli  (Read 3835 times)
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« on: October 31, 2018, 10:59:01 AM »

Corbett Issues Forum, Wednesday, Nov 14, 7:00 pm at the Grange.  Topic:  Recycling in Corbett:  What goes to waste, why, and what can we do?

We all know that recycling is very important, as landfilled and incinerated waste has a negative effect on the environment and climate.  Recycling also reduces the need for extracting raw materials.

However, it is becoming increasing difficult to find markets for our recycled items. When there is nowhere for these materials to go, it costs more to deal with them, and they end up in landfills anyway.

Join us on November 14 for a discussion about the problem, and hopefully to reach some solutions that our community can implement.

Bring snacks to share if you can.  If anyone can come at 6:30-6:45 to set up chairs, it would be appreciated.

Here is a recap from this meeting:
Shared with permission

Dear Friends,
Thanks to Mary Blankevoort for organizing a very informative forum last night on the status of recycling in Corbett.  Thanks also to the Columbia Grange for providing the venue and hosting us.  Guest panelists shared much useful information, from the current status of recycling (both in our area and in Oregon), the challenges faced by haulers, the global scrap commodity markets, and where we might go from here. 
I've attached a handout provided by Jenica Barrett to go with her presentation on Zero Waste Wisdom.  You can check out her blog at
The book she mentioned as the "bible" for cutting down on waste is Zero Waste Home, by Bea Johnson.  For more information go to
Oregon Metro has a very useful website at
They have a searchable page to find information on where to recycle a variety of items.  Just plug in your zip code and the type of material to be recycled.
They also have a page giving an overview of what's happening with the global markets and how China's shifting standards for acceptable materials is impacting U.S. operations:
Metro also has links to businesses that can help remove materials with environmental sensitivity, such as Annie Haul (
Here is a link to USAgain (, which provides recycling of clothing and textiles that can keep them out of landfills.  Unfortunately it does not appear they have a drop box in Oregon (nearest one in Chehalis, WA).
Finally, in case you missed it, here is the link to the New York Times article on the current crisis in recycling (features Oregon):
Best wishes

* Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 10.59.25 AM.png (389.97 KB, 1573x2035 - viewed 794 times.)

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