Release: June 1, 2016
Contact: Mike Pullen, Communications Office, 503-209-4111, Upper Larch Mountain Road reopens
Multnomah County has reopened the upper section of Larch Mountain Road. Larch Mountain Road is the highest road in Multnomah County’s jurisdiction, reaching an altitude of 4055 feet in east county. Each winter, the county closes public access to recreation areas off upper Larch Mountain Road by installing a snow gate near milepost 10. Closing the upper section reduces snow removal costs and prevents drivers from getting stranded in winter weather. Opening the mountain road for recreational users happens each spring. The public now have access to the view parking lot at milepost 14.5 and the walking trail to Sherrard Point.
Multnomah County maintains 300 miles of roads and bridges, including Larch Mountain Road. For more information, visit