Title: CORBETT TOWN MEETING AND POTLUCK CORBETT GRANGE, 4:00 PM Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on January 20, 2014, 09:00:29 PM (http://corbettpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/grange-300x269.jpg)
CORBETT TOWN MEETING AND POTLUCK Info on grange here: http://corbettoregon.com/columbia-grange-267/ SATURDAY, JANUARY 25TH CORBETT GRANGE, 4:00 PM This is an opportunity for people to come together and express their vision for Corbett Schools. People will have three minutes to voice their opinion and to hear the opinion of friends and neighbors. Everyone is invited! We will have a community potluck afterward. Please join us. A - K : Bring a main course to share L - P : Appetizers and Salads Q - T : Desserts U - Z : Drinks Contact information: Marnie Freeman / Phone: 971-409-9465 |