Title: School Board Candidates for May 2013 Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on March 21, 2013, 05:10:31 PM (http://corbettoregon.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/vote_electionscsd.jpg)
* All candidates have been invited to share their statements and answer a few questions that will again be posted on the Corbett Oregon Web Site in April. Here is that link: http://corbettoregon.com/2013-corbett-school-board-elections/ CORBETT SCHOOL DISTRICT #39 Position 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2017 Nick Kerslake Todd Mickalson - ( incumbent from position 4 ) Position 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2017 Charlie O'Neil - incumbent Janet Ruddell Position 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2017 David Gorman Carrie Evans Position 5 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2017 Bob Buttke - incumbent Karina Lande The People and Their School District CSD BOARD POLICY CODE: AB The Board believes: (a) the public schools belong to the people who created them by consent and who support them by taxation; (b) the schools are only as strong as the support received from an informed public; and (c) the support of the people must be based on knowledge and understanding of the aims and efforts of public schools. The Board, therefore, reaffirms and declares its intent to: - Keep district citizens regularly and thoroughly informed through communication of school system policies, programs, concerns and planning and to carry out this policy through the efforts of the Board and district staff; - Invite the advice and counsel of people in the district, especially at open Board meetings; - Support citizen advisory committees to consider concerns which affect the district. END OF POLICY Legal Reference(s): ORS 332.107 |