Title: Exchange student from Spain needs a host family until the end of the school year Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on January 25, 2024, 12:31:12 PM Hello,
I am a Local Coordinator for Claudia a 15 year old exchange student from Spain. She is currently going to Corbett High School and her current host family can only host her intil Feb. 4th. If you know anyone in the area who could host her for the remainder of the school year, i would really appreciate it! Here is a note from Claudia: I'm Claudia, a 15 years old girl. I'm a little bit shy at first but only at the first moment, I'm very responsible, and organized, boastful, calm,... In my free time I like to hang out with my friends, we go shopping to the mall, or to have a coffee or something, we really like to make plans together, but sometimes we only go to talk in a park and sit there during the afternoon, but it's also fun. Every week I do it two times per week. I swim and once a week I do violin class. I like other sports and hobbies like: skiing, paddle tennis, going to the beach, shopping, cooking, art, travel and more things. I'm not really sure about what I want to do after school but maybe I will do something about business administration and economy. http://www.ciee.org/hostapply Sophie Grimes |