Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Local things going on => Topic started by: on September 06, 2022, 11:46:31 AM

Title: Heini Ziegler Award
Post by: on September 06, 2022, 11:46:31 AM
Heini Ziegler Award - Time to Nominate Someone! Applications must be received by Sept. 19, 2021!

The Heini Ziegler Award was established to honor the service of Heini Ziegler who was one of the founding fathers of the Corbett Fire Department in the late 1940s as well as serving as a Chief of the Department in the 1960s and 1970s.
Heini also served the community in numerous other ways, including service on the Water District and School District Boards. A true renaissance person, he was so respected that he was often asked to solve neighborhood disputes, or he could easily fix your broken down car.

After his death the Fire Department decided to establish the Heini Ziegler Award to honor all of Heini’s service to the community. Anyone can nominate an individual, who lives in the community, that you feel should be recognized for their volunteer efforts in the Corbett community.

The winner will be chosen by a committee from the Corbett Fire Department, they will get their name on a plaque that hangs on the wall at the Corbett Fire Hall, and a small cash award. This is funded by an account that was set up with the donations that the department received after Heini’s death. It is hoped that the winner will take his/her family to dinner and enjoy a good meal. Heini would approve!

Please take a moment and nominate your favorite person.
Questions? Contact Duane Redfield at

The nomination form is posted on our web site and can be
printed here: