Title: Only in Corbett, does a chicken deliver Christmas Gifts! Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on December 10, 2020, 04:53:24 AM Only in Corbett, does a chicken deliver Christmas Gifts!
Corbett Fire District; Corbett, Oregon Dec. 8, 2020 Corbett Fire District proudly announces that the world famous “Christmas Chicken” is getting ready to fly this December to deliver food, Christmas toys, and clothing to families in need of support. This novel idea originated in the 1970s when Corbett firefighters wanted to deliver Christmas gifts to their own families. However when Nev Scott, wife of the Fire Chief, went to rent a Santa outfit she could not find a Santa outfit at the costume shop. Instead she chose a chicken, and this crazy tradition began. Today, this weird but needed event continues. The focus is now on families in need who live in the Corbett area. Currently two anonymous donors have donated matching grants of $500.00 each to the Corbett Firefighters Association. The Association is now trying to match these donations by placing firefighter boots at the Corbett Market (across from the Corbett Fire Station) and at Liz’s Coffee Cabin located at Lucas Rd and the Scenic Highway. Additionally, donations can be sent to Corbett Fire District, POBox 1, Corbett, Oregon 97019. The Firefighters Association is asking the community to “fill the boot” and help to launch the Christmas Chicken on a needed flight. Last year the community was very generous in filling the boot and we assisted three families. However, Covid will not clip the Christmas Chicken’s wings with the support of the Corbett community. With forty year old frayed feathers the Christmas Chicken is willing to take on the challenge, posed by Covid, and assist some families in need. Contact: Joe Fahlman-President of Corbett Firefighters Association – 503-348-2792 Post here: https://www.corbettoregon.com/christmas-chicken/ |