Title: VETS DINNER Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on November 05, 2020, 01:38:49 PM To all Veterans:
The local community is sponsoring a dinner for you! This meal will include items such as pork, bread, corn, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and pie. This meal will be provided on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2020. Meals picked up address at Community Church. See map below. To sign up for a meal, there are three options. There are three signup options. The first will be at the Country store, a Private Message (Face Book), or you can text message 541-914-1365. This meal is the community's attempt to acknowledge your service to our country. Several combat vets are directly involved with this program. These Vets offer our humble salute to you. Note: signups need to be completed by midnight on November 8, 2020. Our currents sponsors include: Columbia Grange Corbett Store Michelle Carter Smith Albertsons "David with Dog” Signed “David with Dog” Salute Retired RA CW4 David Klindt |