Title: Zumba Dance Post by: Zumbalisa on May 26, 2020, 02:37:27 PM NEW added Zumba classes - Free of Charge & Full of Fun!
Many people have told me they would like 1/2 hour Zumba classes. Others haven't been able to come to the ones I do at 5 pm because it's too late. So I'm adding 1/2 hour classes every morning at 7:30 am - Monday through Friday (the Thursday morning one will be a pre-recorded one). I'm also adding a 1/2 hour class at 4:00 pm Monday through Friday (Thursday pre-recorded) in addition to the 5 pm classes And a 9:30 am class on Saturday mornings in addition to the 1 pm class. All times are Pacific Standard Time. I hope you give it a try. I got cool disco lights and the music is great. If you don't want to dance, you can do something else. My husband rides the stationary bike while I dance. Or you can sit there and laugh if you want! No one can see or hear you if you turn your camera off and mute yourself, so no need to feel self-conscious. If you join, please go at your own pace. Don't do any move that hurts. When I got my license to teach Zumba, I had to take a CPR class, but it would be pretty hard for me to save anyone over Zoom! 😃 Take breaks, drink water, and just have fun. Please PM me your email address if you want to be on my mailing list for announcements and to be notified when a class gets cancelled. Please share with anyone you know who would be interested! I love it when people join the class--it makes me more energetic and motivated. Join Zoom Zumba Class - bit.ly/ZumbaLisa2020 Join Zoom Meeting Zumba Class https://woodburnsd.zoom.us/j/2853554170 Meeting ID: 285 355 4170 |