Title: Grange Conversation - Sharing our Lives with Animals Post by: columbia grange on February 23, 2019, 08:26:02 AM Our experiences with domestic animals—in particular those considered pets or livestock—affect the ways we understand relationships with them, who we value and depend upon in wildly different ways. For this conversation, artist and educator Karin Bolender Hart invites us to share our own animal stories, consider how our personal experiences and beliefs about the lives of animals shape the stories we tell, and reflect on how these stories in turn affect our choices as caretakers, farmers, consumers, and companions.
Title: Re: Grange Conversation - Sharing our Lives with Animals Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on February 27, 2019, 07:28:10 AM Great events planned!
For future posts, try and start with the Community Calendar tab (top in blue) ...and then add your event to the date. From there you can choose which board you want it on (or it will default to this one). That way if someone checks out the Calendar - they can see your event listed! Thanks so much for posting on the community forum... * I will share it out right now on Facebook. Please also feel free to message me on FB to let me know when new events are listed.... I sometimes get busy and don't check for new updates! |