Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Local things going on => Topic started by: EmmaSpanjer on June 30, 2018, 10:00:17 AM

Title: Support local Kendal Hocking's graduate studies at Oxford
Post by: EmmaSpanjer on June 30, 2018, 10:00:17 AM
Join us for an evening of English fare to benefit local Corbettite Kendal Hocking's graduate studies in music that begin this fall at the University of Oxford. Come and feast on English fare, test your inner Anglophile with Oxfordian trivia, and enjoy a cash bar with joyful live music and readings. The evening will be one of joy and social pleasantries, so bring your happiest self and friends to celebrate.

Kendal was recently featured in the Corbett Connector which details her journey to Oxford. Read it here:

Event details:
July 15th, 6-8pm
Corbett's Columbia Grange
37493 Grange Hall Rd, Corbett, Oregon 97019

Tickets $50, children under 12 by donation. Contact Caitlin Spanjer at or 971-678-7663 to purchase.