Title: Sparky Pancake Breakfast Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on May 14, 2017, 12:09:31 PM When: June 3, 2017 (7:30AM -11:30 AM) Where: At the Corbett Fire Station.
Enjoy a fire house pancake breakfast (blue berries optional), ham and eggs. Get a hug from Sparky, balloons and fire engine rides for kids of all ages, silent auction and door prizes are awarded. * The Fire Department could use help with items for the silent bid at the breakfast. You can get a tax deduction and mentioned as a donor. All proceeds fund the scholarship. We have had everything from pianos to watermelons. To help contact Mr. Dennis Bryson: dennis.a.bryson@gmail.com. All proceeds fund the Ferd Riehl Scholarship for a high school Senior. The poster, details and directions can be found here: http://corbettoregon.com/news/sparky-pancake-breakfast/ |