Title: Easter Sunrise Service at Menucha - Sunday at 6:30 am Post by: Menucha Retreat on March 25, 2016, 01:18:19 PM If you're an early riser, please join us this Sunday, March 27, at 6:30 am at Menucha. Worship in the great hall in front of a roaring fire. Stay after for coffee, juice, fruit and pastries and/or a walk down to the pool. If the weather is good, you might just get an amazing view like this one. (But even if you don't, this will still be beautiful place to celebrate Easter with others.)
38711 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy Corbett, OR 97019 Questions? Call 503-695-2243 The worship service is in the Reformed tradition, led by a group of pastors from churches in eastern Multnomah County. The Rev. Brad Busiek of Smith Memorial Presbyterian Church in Fairview, OR, will give the sermon. |