Title: Super Kids Resale / Consignment Event Post by: sawyersummit on March 06, 2008, 05:09:20 PM Super Kids Resale is a consignment event specializing in baby and kid clothing, maternity clothing, kid shoes, baby equipment, toys, books, software, videos, furniture and anything else related to kids. ANY SEASON, ANY SIZE (up to size 12). You bring your stuff in the day before the sale, and we will sell it for you at our sale open to the public. You can finally get rid of all the stuff that your kids have outgrown AND receive a check for 70% of your sales within 2 weeks. You can receive up to 80% by volunteering and/or recruiting. There is a special presale for volunteers and consignors Friday morning. Then shop for quality, gently used stuff for your kids at a fraction of the cost of stores.
Friday, September 12th 9-8pm Saturday, September 13th 9am-4pm Sunday, September 14th 9am-1pm (many items 1/2 off) Volunteer/Consignor Pre-Sale Hours TBA Gresham Armory, 544 NE Division St, corner of NE Kelly Check out www.superkidsresale.net for more detailed information about how to tag your items and when to drop off and pick up your stuff. Basically, you tag each item by attaching a ˝ of an index card to the clothing with a safety pin. Put your consignor number, the price and a description of the item on the tag. Put a “D” on the tag if you want to donate the item if it doesn’t sell. Call Susan at (503)695-5951 or email susan@superkidsresale.net to receive your consignor number. Fundraising Opportunities for your school: Identify your school as a consignor when you sign up and your school will get 20% of your earnings while you still get 60% (consignor donates 10% of their earnings and we match it with 10% from our earnings). OR you can have your school get all 80% if you want. |