Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Local things going on => Topic started by: LoreeHarrell on November 27, 2015, 08:07:30 AM

Title: U-Pick-You-Give Benefits Corbett Grange, Soaring Hearts, & NW Battle Buddies
Post by: LoreeHarrell on November 27, 2015, 08:07:30 AM

When:    November 27th - December 20th; Fridays through Sundays
              Friday and Saturday 11 - 4 / Sundays 12 - 3
Where:   Troutdale Art Center; Loree Harrell Studio
              903 E Historic Columbia River Hwy;  Troutdale OR 97060

1-4 today and Saturday, 12-3 Sundays through December 20th,you pay whatever price you wish to pay on anything in Loree's studio with a U-Pick envelope on it, seal it up and drop it in the box, and take your art home.  50% of whatever you put in the envelope  goes to the good cause of your choice.... lots of prints (framed and unframed), plus some jewelry and ornaments.

See you at the studio... Lots of envelopes will be out, and remember that jewelry, journals, ornaments, and art without an envelope are still a 25% donation, and still your choice of good guys! (